October 4th, 2023, from 13:00 to 14:30.
As part of the 5th Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean and the activities of the CEPAL-BMZGIZ project "Transformative Reactivation: Overcoming the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean", this side event aims to create a space for dialogue and exchange in this area. It will review the experiences of countries at different stages of development that have made progress in establishing social registries. The aim is to identify the measures needed to strengthen them and the strategies for funding and inter- institutional coordination required for their further development.
This side event aims to present different experiences and institutional, financial and inter- institutional coordination challenges for the consolidation of social registers in a context of cascading crises and digital transformation. Interregional cooperation and dialogue allow us to learn from past experiences, identify common problems, seek evidence-based solutions, identify best practices, and more effectively address structural and emerging challenges in the region.
Moderator: Nincen Figueroa, Social Development Division, ECLAC
13:00 a 13:10: Welcoming Remarks
• Alberto Arenas de Mesa, Director, Social Development Division, ECLAC
• Manfred Haebig, Principal Advisor CEPAL-BMZ/GIZ program
13:10 a 14:10: Experiences and institutional challenges of social registries in a context of cascading crisis and digital transformation of social protection systems.
• Van Elder Espinal, Technical Director of the Social Policy Cabinet, Dominican Republic.
• Paula Poblete, Under-Secretary of Social Evaluation, Ministry of Social Development and Family, Chile
• Leticia Bartholo, National Secretary for Evaluation, Information Management and Social Registry, Ministry of Social Development and Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, Brazil
• Rafael del Cid, Director of the Honduran Centre for the Study of State Policies in the Social Sector, Ministry of Social Development
• Javier Paulini, General Director of Targeting and Social Information, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion
• Rodolfo Beazley, Expert consultant in social protection systems from the German Cooperation (GIZ)
14:10 a 14:20: Space for dialogue and questions from the public
14:20 a 14:30: Closing remarks
• Luis Tejerina, Social Protection and Health Division, IDB
• Amalia Palma, Social Development Division, ECLAC