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Event Information


The fifth session of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean and the XV Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held from 3 to 5 October 2023, at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in Santiago, (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura).

The meeting is open to all member States and associate members of ECLAC.
The purpose of this document is to provide delegations with useful information to facilitate their work at the meeting.
Participant registration will be conducted online through the event website: Credentials will be available to collect at the headquarters of ECLAC on Monday, 2 October from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Tuesday, 3 October from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
The meeting coordinators will be available to answer any questions concerning logistical or organizational matters before or during the event. 

1. General information on Chile

Geographical location
Chile is located in the extreme south-west of South America. Its capital city is Santiago, and the country has a total population of around 19.5 million. Chile lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains, and its long, narrow territory is divided into 16 administrative regions.

The capital
Santiago is the capital city of Chile, and its Metropolitan Region is home to 7 million people. It has a Mediterranean climate and well-defined seasons, with rainy winters, when temperatures fall as low as 0°C (from May to September), and dry summers, when maximum daytime temperatures are around 30°C (from November to March). Relative humidity is low, and evenings are cool.
Although the tap water is safe to drink, it may not agree with those not accustomed to it. Visitors are therefore advised to drink bottled water.
As in all large cities, visitors are advised not to wear valuable jewellery and to remain alert regarding cell phones, wallets or bags, for security reasons.

Useful information

LOCAL CURRENCY The national currency is the Chilean peso ($). The exchange rate is approximately 857 pesos to the dollar (August 2023).

UTC/GMT -3 hours (on the dates of the meeting).


In Chile, the standard voltage is 220 volts. The frequency is 50 Hz.
Plugs and sockets are type C or L.
AIRPORT CHARGES The airport charge is included in the airfare.

Tipping is common in Chile, as it is in other parts of the world. In restaurants, it is customary to tip around 10% of the total bill.

2. Meeting venue
The meetings of the fifth session of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean and the XV Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in the Raúl Prebisch Conference Room at ECLAC headquarters, located at Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura).
ECLAC has a limited number of parking spaces. Only official vehicles of diplomatic missions will be authorized to drop off and pick up their delegations. To do so, please send driver and vehicle details (model and licence plate number) to the following email addresses: and

3. Meeting coordination
The meeting is being organized by ECLAC. The contacts are:

Luis Fidel Yáñez (overall coordination)
Secretary of the Commission
Office of the Secretary of the Commission
ECLAC, United Nations
Tel: (+56) 2 2210 2275
with a copy to

Rodrigo Martínez (questions on substantive matters)
Senior Social Affairs Officer 
Social Development Division
ECLAC, United Nations
Tel: (+56) 2 2210 2309

Luis Flores (accreditation)
Research Assistant
Office of the Secretary of the Commission
ECLAC, United Nations
Tel: (+56) 2 2210 2084

Margarita de Igarzábal (logistics)
Acting Supervisor 
Conference Services Unit
ECLAC, United Nations
Tel: (+56) 2 2210 2588

4. Hotel reservations

The ECLAC Conference Services Unit has reserved a block of rooms at special rates at the following hotels:

Hotel Pullman Santiago Vitacura (****)
Av. Vitacura 3201, Vitacura. Tel: (+56) 22947 3612
Deluxe single room: US$ 190 + tax (includes breakfast, Internet and gym)
Contact: Francisca Cid, Reservations Department

Hotel Director Vitacura (****)
Av. Vitacura 3600, Vitacura. Tel: (+56) 2 2389 1956
Single room: US$ 100 + tax (includes breakfast and Internet)
Contact: María Eliana Puga, Reservations Department 

Hotel Noi (*****)
Av. Nueva Costanera 3736, Vitacura. Tel: (+56) 2 2432 6837
Deluxe room: US$ 160 + tax (includes breakfast, Internet, gym and parking)
Contact: Meena Vaswani, Senior Sales Account Manager

Hotel NH Collection Casacostanera (****)      
Av. Nueva Costanera 3900, Vitacura. Tel: (+56) 2 2496 2014
Single room: US$ 130 + tax (includes breakfast, Internet, gym and parking)
Contact: Soledad Gazmuri, Sales Account Manager

Reservations must be made directly with the chosen hotel before the expiry date indicated on the hotel reservation form (see the last page of this document). After that date, the hotel reserves the right to change the rate and cannot guarantee that rooms will be available.
These rates do not include the value added tax (VAT) of 19%. Visitors paying in dollars or with international credit cards are exempt from VAT. In that case, the hotel will request the slip issued by border control upon entry into Chile.

To maintain the special ECLAC rate, hotel reservations must be requested personally, not through agencies or other means. Delegates are responsible for making their own reservations. You are advised to check that the hotel has processed your reservation and to request a reservation number or confirmation code. 
The hotel requires your flight information and dates of arrival and departure from Chile, as well as credit card details, in order to secure the reservation. Please send the attached hotel reservation form to the hotel of your choice, with all the required details. 

5. Visa and entry requirements for Chile
Participants must be in possession of a passport valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry into Chile.
Representatives from countries whose citizens require a visa to enter Chile should apply for one in advance at their nearest Chilean embassy or consulate.
To find out whether you need a visa, go to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile ( and click on the country of your nationality.

6. Transport from the airport to Santiago
For transfers from the airport to the city, there are minibuses run by the companies Transvip and WeTransport, located at the airport, which can take 10–12 passengers and drop passengers off in different neighbourhoods, at an approximate cost of US$ 12 per person.
Travellers who wish to use individual transport should use the official taxi firms (Taxi Turismo Oficial), which are located at the airport; fares to the city vary between US$ 35 and US$ 40, depending on the destination.
Modes of transportation in Santiago include buses, taxis and six metro lines. Taxi fares are metered and drivers are generally not tipped.

7. Registration
Online registration for all participants will be available from 1 September 2023 on the meeting website ( 
After registration, the system will send an automatic confirmation of receipt. Once the registration request has been approved, a “confirmation of acceptance” email is sent, which must be presented along with an identification document when picking up credentials.
Online registration of government representatives does not exempt delegations from the requirement to provide official notification of the head of delegation and of all accompanying members.
Officials of United Nations system entities will be able to enter the meeting with their United Nations pass, which must be previously activated, but are still required to register online. To activate a pass, please send copies of both sides to the following email:
Credentials can be collected at the main entrance of ECLAC (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura), on Monday, October 2, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., and on Tuesday, October 3, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Credentials must be picked up in person, showing an identification document. For security reasons, participants will be required to wear their badges in order to attend sessions. Badges must remain visible during the meeting.
Participants are advised to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of sessions in order to complete the accreditation process and United Nations security protocols.
For further information on registration and accreditation of participants, please contact Luis Flores ( or Carolina Jara ( 

8. Opening session
The opening session will take place on Tuesday, 3 October 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Raúl Prebisch Conference Room at ECLAC.

9. Internet
Participants will have access to a wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi) in the conference room and in open areas. To use the connection, participants are required to register and enter a password.

10. Languages
The official language of the meeting will be Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided into English, Portuguese and international sign language.

11. Facilities and services at ECLAC

Bank: There is a branch of Banco de Chile in the basement of the main ECLAC building. It is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Foreign currency can be exchanged from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Meals: ECLAC has a café and a cafeteria, which are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants must pay directly for these services.
Medical services: The ECLAC Medical Service, on the ground floor of the main building (office number Z-210, ext. 2333) provides first aid. It is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.