Panel 1 - Social Protection in the midst of disaster in the Caribbean: building resilience to address multidimensional crises
Wed, 27/10/2021 - 10:00 to 12:00
Moderator: Diane Quarless, Chief of the ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
- Orando Brewster, Minister of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing and Informal Human Settlement of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Adis King, Minister of Youth Development and Empowerment, Youth at Risk, Gender Affairs, Seniorsā Security, and Dominicans with Disabilities of Dominica
- Pierre Ricot Odney, Director of Studies and Programming Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MAST) of Haiti
- RegisĀ Chapman, Country Director and Representative, World Food Programme Multi-country Office for the English-speaking and Dutch Caribbean
- Elizabeth Riley, Representative of the Caribbean Disasters Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
- Kurba-Marie Questelles, Specialist in Peace and Security, Coordinating Ambassador for the Caribbean Region of One Young World